Staffers Musings

Monday, September 17, 2012

A New Project | Speculative Fiction 2012: The Year's Best Online Reviews & Commentary

Press release originally appeared on Pornokitsch: 
Jurassic London are pleased to announce Speculative Fiction 2012: The Year's Best Online Reviews & Commentary, capturing the best of 2012's blogs, websites and other digital publications.  
With the online reviewing community larger than ever before, Speculative Fiction aims to both capture and celebrate the best in genre non-fiction: the top book reviews, criticism and essays of the year. 
The collection will be edited by Justin Landon (Staffer's Book Review) and Jared Shurin (Pornokitsch).  
Speculative Fiction will be available February 2013. All proceeds will go to charity (partner TBA). 
The editors are currently seeking recommendations. Pieces must be longer than 500 words. This is a reprint anthology: work must have been first published online, in 2012 and not in a professional publication. 
Recommendations should be submitted here: Speculative Fiction 2012.
Payment will be on publication, at the reprint rate of one cent a word, plus a contributor copy.

Expect more announcements as we move through the process, but generally speaking, Jared and I both feel very strongly that this is an important project. The internet is an incredible place. Post something here and it's here forever. But, that's a blessing and a curse.

Years and years of reviews and commentary about genre fiction have occurred and been lost to memory, occasionally found in a Google search, but more often queried on Twitter, "Anyone know where to find that great post?" We want to help create a record, a snapshot in time of what was important today.

Give us a hand, huh?


  1. ooo...this sounds cool. Let me know how I can help out (you know, as long as there is no real time commitment, because I'm too busy even to post on my blog).

    And of course I would suggest every single review I've written be included (except that one - you'll know it when you read it).

  2. Will you guys be considering interviews as well? I personally think the best thing I have currently is my interview with Ken Scholes. And this upcoming review of the Blinding Knife, of course.

    1. We've discussed interviews. We're not opposed to it in principle. We'll see how they fit as we assemble it.

  3. While I love the spirit of the project, I'm disappointed that you didn't temporarily change the name of the publishing imprint to Jurassic Landon. Missed opportunity there, Justin.

  4. Interesting. Very, very interesting. Wishing you and Jared the best of the luck with such an ambitious and forward-thinking project.

  5. Nice point Aidan...

    Thanks all! We're really excited. And judging by the response from the first... 12 hours... we've got a lot of reading to do.
